We are a statewide coalition of individuals and organizations dedicated to promoting responsible lending products and discouraging predatory lending in Virginia. We are particularly concerned about payday lending, car title lending, and predatory mortgage lending practices because of their pronounced negative effects on Virginia’s most vulnerable citizens. We are working to assure legislatively mandated reform in the 2007 Virginia General Assembly and beyond.
Members from organizations around the state include:
AARP Virginia – statement of support
Better Business Bureaus of Virginia
Fluvanna/Louisa Housing Foundation
Greene Alliance of Church and Community Efforts (GRACE) – statement of support
Housing Opportunities Made Equal
The Metropolitan Business League
Monticello Area Community Action Agency
NAACP Virginia State Conference – statement of support
Peninsula Community Development Corporation
People Incorporated of Southwest Virginia
Residential Construction Workers Association (ASTRACOR)
Social Action Linking Together
Tidewater Sowers of Justice – statement of support (.pdf)
Virginia Association of Area Agencies on Aging
Virginia Citizens Consumer Council
Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy
Virginia Muslim Coalition for Public Affairs
Virginia Organizing - V.O. letter (.pdf)
Voices for Virginia’s Children – statement of support
Are you part of an organization that would like to join our coalition? Add your group to our membership list.